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Active Ingredient: Carfentrazone Ethyl 40 DF (40% w/w)

Pack sizes: 25 g


Weeds are a major problem for rice and wheat farmers, as they damage crops, increase costs and decrease yield. Traditional chemicals used to kill weeds harm the crops, are not very effective, and require multiple applications. This adds to the overall input cost, reducing the farmer’s income. Bayer’s Guletta herbicide is an effective solution to the problem of weeds in wheat and rice crops. 

Guletta contains carfentrazone ethyl 40 DF, which has excellent action against difficult-to-kill weeds. It is a fast-acting herbicide. When mixed with another Bayer herbicide COUNCIL activ, Guletta is doubly effective against different kinds of weeds.

Recommended for

Protects against

Chenopodium album

Melilotus indica

Melilotus alba

Medicago denticulate

Lathyrus aphaca

Anagallis arvensis

Vicia sativa

Circium arvense

Rumex sp.

Malwa Sp.

Ludwigia parviflora

Digera arvensis

Phyllanthus niruri

Spilanthes sp

Eclipta alba

Cyperus sp

How it works?

Guletta is a fast-acting postemergent herbicide, i.e., designed for use after weed emergence. It selectively targets and controls various broadleaf weeds and sedges in wheat crops and directly seeded rice. 

This novel, broad-spectrum herbicide acts quickly, providing effective weed control in wheat and rice crops. 

Mode of action

After application, Guletta gets absorbed by the leaves. Then it attacks and breaks down the cell membrane of weeds, leading to their collapse and eventual death.

It is a contact herbicide that acts specifically on the treated foliage. Guletta is non-systemic, meaning it doesn’t travel through the plant, and non-soil active, meaning it doesn’t affect the soil. 

Method of application


Features and benefits of Guletta

Some of the benefits include

Guletta effectively controls a wide range of broadleaf weeds and annual sedges.

It's a broad-spectrum, fast-acting herbicide with PPO inhibitor action for post-emergent control in rice.

Guletta is a contact herbicide that works on treated foliage with no impact on the soil and low usage rates.

Rapid absorption through leaves ensures fast action, with rain fastness in 1-2 hours leading to weed desiccation and death.

Its unique mode of action makes Guletta effective even against sulphonylurea (ALS) resistant weeds.

Guletta has no soil activity at recommended rates, allowing for flexibility in crop rotation.

It is convenient and user-friendly DF formulation enhances ease of use.

Guletta demonstrates effectiveness in rice at low rates, with application at 62.5 g/ha or 25 g/acre, making it easy to handle.

How to use


Chenopodium album, Melilotus indica, Melilotus alba, Medicago denticulata, Lathyrus aphaca, Anagallis arvensis, Vicia sativa, Circium arvense, Rumex sp., Malwa Sp.


25-35 days after sowing (i.e. after first irrigation)  (2-3 leaf stage of BLW)


Formulation (g) 50

Water (litre) 400

Waiting Period*

80 days

Direct Seeded Rice

Ludwigia parviflora, Digera arvensis, Phyllanthus niruri, Spilanthes sp, Eclipta alba, Cyperus sp


10-15 days After sowing Coinciding 2-3 leaf
stage of BLW)


Formulation (g) 62.50

Water (litre) 300

Waiting Period*

102 days

*Waiting Period between last application and harvest (PHI)

Not to be used on crops other than the ones specified in the table.

Do this

Don’t do this

Safety and precautions

Do not spray if rain is expected.

Do not apply the sand-mix technique.

Do not spray without draining the water from the field.

Do not tank-mix with pesticides containing sulphur and copper.

Drift management: Avoid drift on the broad leaf crops and plants adjoining the wheat crop area while spraying since it may damage the broad leaf crop/plants.


Find answers to all your questions

Guletta is a contact, non-systemic, and non-soil active in nature. Therefore, its effectiveness is not dependent on soil conditions. 

The Bayer Guletta herbicide is effective at controlling major weeds in crops such as wheat and direct-seeded rice. Bayer Guletta is best used as a post-emergence herbicide at the 2-3 leaf stage of weeds, which occurs in 12–15 days.

Yes, Guletta can be used with other products, and when mixed with another Bayer herbicide, COUNCIL activ, Guletta is doubly effective against different kinds of weeds.

Download resources

Guletta® Marketing Banner (Desktop)
Guletta® Marketing Banner (Mobile)

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